BASIC Swapnopuron

• The Scheme shall be implemented through all the branches of BASIC Bank Limited.
• Any citizen of Bangladesh can open this account in the name of an individual only.
• Under the scheme account(s) can be opened for a period of 1 Year (12 monthly installments) / 1.5 Year (18 monthly installments) /2 Years (24 monthly installments) .
• In any denomination at a multiple ofTk. 2,000.00 but not exceeding Tk. 20,000.00 per month.
• Depositors can choose any denomination of deposit per month at the time of opening the scheme, which cannot be changed later on.
• A savings deposit account in the name of the applicant is essential for the scheme.
• Realization of monthly installments will start from the day of opening account and all subsequent installments will be realized / deposited by the last day of the same month onward.
• In case of standing instruction, if sufficient balance (full value of installment) is not available in the corresponding account for realizing monthly installment in time, account holder will have to pay penalty at 2.00% on the installment's arrear(s).
• If monthly installment remains unpaid for 3 (three) consecutive months, the account will be closed and the balance will be refunded as per rules of closure.
• Customer will get maturity value after one month of stipulated date of paying last installment.
• All taxes/duty/levy and for any other surcharges presently in force or that may be imposed by the Government of Bangladesh (GOB) from time to time will be deducted/ recovered from the deposit account under this scheme. AIT (Source Tax/ Advance Income Tax) is applicable for the interest amount.
Interest Rate:
• The interest rate will be 8.25% p.a.
• The interest will be calculated on yearly compounding basis.
In case of premature encashment:
• In case of premature closure of the account Tk. 200 (Taka Two Hundred) will be charged as closing charge.
• Prior to 06 (six) months 
(Except AlCs opened for 6 months) - No Interest will be paid
• 06 (Six) months and above - Ruling lowest SB interest rate for total holding period on day count basis

Tenure Currency Slab Wise Rate Effective Date
1 year (Multiple of Tk. 5,000.00 but not exceeding Tk. 20,000.00 per month/unit) BDT 8.25% Feb 11, 2024
1.5 year (Multiple of Tk. 5,000.00 but not exceeding Tk. 20,000.00 per month/unit) BDT 8.25% Feb 11, 2024
2 years (Multiple of Tk. 5,000.00 but not exceeding Tk. 20,000.00 per month/unit) BDT 8.25% Feb 11, 2024